

The TV show Friends was a phenomenal success but not original. Watch Seinfeld and you soon see Friends’ inspiration. For example, Seinfeld has: Manhattan, New York. The Manhattan apartment(s). A group of friends who are close for no obvious reason. The clown (Kramer /...
Good reads 01/24

Good reads 01/24

Three things I enjoyed reading: Michael Amoroso – Retirement Takes Work: It really does, it is a topic we need to return too frequently. See HERE and HERE for some notes we have put together. Marian Tupy – Is This The Best Time To Be Alive? : The evidence...
Musings 17/1

Musings 17/1

Candles Lamps and candles worked fine for centuries. Then someone thought “I’m not having this, surely we can do better” Right now someone, somewhere is thinking the same about something that seems perfectly good to us. Good on them.    ...